Game Over

English: A right-handed tee ball player swings...
English: A right-handed tee ball player swings at a ball on the tee. Photo taken by Vinnie Ahuja (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The game is breaking up

Winners cheer

Losers pout

Stroller parade passes by with



Whiny ballplayers

In desperate need of lunch

And a nap

The whole point of the game

Is to get that

Sweet, sweet juicebox

God, I love T-ball

Joan’s Vison

Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc (Photo credit: Steve Selwood)

Why wasn’t I afraid of the trio?

The strange, beautiful boy

with brooding eyes and

a silver breast plate.

The dark girl

with the long black braid

and a spear in her hand.

The tall girl in red

with golden-red hair

and a sword strapped to her side.

I stood in the field

with dirt smeared on my face

and watched them with wonder.

“God has a mission for you,” the trio said

and I wasn’t afraid to die.